Witaminy i suplementy dla kobiet w ciąży, opinions and questions

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Recently Asked Questions: Witaminy i suplementy dla kobiet w ciąży
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Search in questions Witaminy i suplementy dla kobiet w ciąży
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NaturellAndropaus - male pubertyAnemia - how to treat anemia?Aphrodisiac - natural ways to raise libidoAppetite suppressantsAyurveda - Indian medicineCoenzyme Q10ColdDiabetesDo I need to supplement with vitamins and minerals?Drug use and sexDyslexiaEyebrows and eyelashesFolic acid - vitamin B9Herbs for cholesterolHerbs for immunityHow to cure bronchitis?How to improve memory and concentration?How to prevent cancer?How to recognize and treat angina?How to recognize and treat depression?How to recover energy after winter?Is pneumonia dangerous?Jak dbać o skórę i zdrowie zimą?Jakie witaminy dla kobiety w ciąży i karmiącej piersią wybrać? - ANALIZAJakie środki powodują chudnięcie?Leather, hair and nails for vegansLeg cramps - how to deal with calf cramps?Living with Crohn's diseaseNasze sposoby na zmęczenieNatural antibioticsNatural ways to get a coldOdchudzanieOdporność u dzieciOtyłość i nadwagaPamięć i koncentracjaPlants for a healthy and beautiful appearancePotassiumPreparations for a good moodPreparations for healthy eyesPreparations with garlicPrezenty dla Babci i DziadkaPrzeziębienie przy karmieniu piersiąResistanceSedativesStrengthening immunitySugar-free preparations for diabeticsSupplements for athletesUSP Health ProductsVegan resistanceVitamin B12Vitamin B12 - do you need to supplement it?Vitamin CVitamin KVitamin dVitamins and minerals for diabeticsVitamins and minerals for vegansVitamins and supplementsVitamins and supplements for bones and jointsVitamins and supplements for womenVitamins for womenWhat does pain in the groin mean?What preparation with elderberry to choose? - ANALYSISWhat should vegetarians and vegans supplement?Witaminy i suplementy dla kobiet w ciążyZincZioła na przeziębienieZioła w ciążyŁupież, czyli o szamponach przeciwłupieżowych
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We make every effort to ensure that our answers best reflect the state of modern medical knowledge. However, they are not a substitute for medical or pharmaceutical consultation. All product names given in the answers are examples and do not constitute a form of advertising.


Below listed are products assigned to this topic1.

Sorbifer Durules

tabletki o przedłużonym uwalnianiu, 50 tabletek

ferrum+ascorbic acid

Produkt na receptę

in 91% pharmacies

from 29.99 zł

Tardyferon Fol

tabletki o zmodyfikowanym uwalnianiu, 30 tabletek

ferrum+folic acid

Produkt na receptę

in 95% pharmacies

from 17.00 zł


tabletki o przedłużonym uwalnianiu, 30 tabletek

ferrous sulfate

Produkt na receptę

in 99% pharmacies

from 10.95 zł


krople, 10 mililitrów


Lek bez recepty

in 99% pharmacies

from 20.59 zł

Pueria Duo

kapsułki, 90 kapsułek

vitamins+minerals+omega-3 triglycerides

Suplement diety

in 62% pharmacies

from 47.99 zł

Szelazo + SR

kapsułki, 60 kapsułek

ferrum+folic acid+pyridoxine+methylcobalamin+ascorbic acid

Suplement diety

in 90% pharmacies

from 36.49 zł


zawiesina, 100 mililitrów


Żywność specjalnego przeznaczenia medycznego

in 53% pharmacies

from 59.99 zł

Omegamed Optima Forte

kapsułki, 60 kapsułek

docosahexanoic acid+ferrum+folic acid+colecalciferol+potassium iodide

Suplement diety

in 12% pharmacies

from 59.90 zł

Mama DHA Premium+

kapsułki, 60 kapsułek

omega triglycerides+colecalciferol+folic acid+iodine

Suplement diety

in 53% pharmacies

from 29.44 zł

Pueria Uno

kapsułki, 60 kapsułek

vitamins+minerals+omega-3 triglycerides

Suplement diety

in 56% pharmacies

from 54.99 zł

Pregna Vomi

guma do żucia, 20 gum

magnesium+pyridoxine+zingiber officinale

Suplement diety

in 33% pharmacies

from 17.49 zł


proszek (do wytworzenia płynu), 60 torebek 2,04 g

folic acid+inositol

Suplement diety

in 14% pharmacies

from 79.99 zł

Acidum Folicum Hasco

tabletki, 30 tabletek

folic acid

Produkt na receptę

in 89% pharmacies

from 4.99 zł

Prenatal Duo

kapsułki oraz tabletki, 1 zestaw: 30 tabl. powl. + 60 kaps.

minerals+omega triglycerides+vitamins

Suplement diety

in 65% pharmacies

from 54.05 zł

Pregna Plus

kapsułki, 30 kapsułek

folic acid+ferrum+colecalciferol+iodine+docosahexanoic acid

Suplement diety

in 80% pharmacies

from 34.99 zł

Inofolic Combi

kapsułki, 60 kapsułek

folic acid+inositol

Suplement diety

in 13% pharmacies

from 90.66 zł

Femibion 2 Ciąża

kapsułki oraz tabletki, 1 zestaw = 28 tabl. powl. + 28 kaps.

minerals+omega triglycerides+vitamins+folic acid+lutein+iodine

Suplement diety

in 72% pharmacies

from 51.99 zł

Solgar Folian (Metafolin), 400 µg

tabletki, 50 tabletek (400 ug)

folic acid

Suplement diety

in 16% pharmacies

from 55.17 zł

Omegamed Optima Start

kapsułki, 30 kapsułek

docosahexanoic acid+folic acid+colecalciferol+iodine

Suplement diety

in 14% pharmacies

from 28.19 zł

Pregna DHA

kapsułki, 30 kapsułek

docosahexanoic acid

Suplement diety

in 71% pharmacies

from 29.99 zł

Health Labs LittleMe trymestr 2 i 3

kapsułki, 150 kapsułek

vitamins+minerals+folic acid+choline

Suplement diety

in 4% pharmacies

from 152.99 zł

Pregna Start

tabletki, 30 tabletek

folic acid+choline+vitamins+minerals

Suplement diety

in 62% pharmacies

from 31.99 zł


kapsułki oraz tabletki, 60 kapsułek + 30 tabletek

Suplement diety

in 8% pharmacies

from 34.99 zł

Estabiom Mama (Estabiom Pregna)

kapsułki, 20 kapsułek

lactobacillus rhamnosus+lactobacillus acidophilus+ascorbic acid+inulin

Suplement diety

in 22% pharmacies

from 39.99 zł

Naturell Folian

tabletki, 60 tabletek

folic acid

Suplement diety

in 65% pharmacies

from 19.50 zł

Solgar Gentle Iron (diglicynian żelaza)

kapsułki, 90 kapsułek

ferrous bis-glycinate chelate

Suplement diety

in 16% pharmacies

from 58.52 zł

Ferisan Pregna

tabletki powlekane, 30 tabletek

Suplement diety

in 1% pharmacies

from 21.99 zł


tabletki, 90 tabletek

folic acid

Lek bez recepty

in 96% pharmacies

from 14.76 zł

Vigantoletten 1000

tabletki, 90 tabletek


Lek bez recepty

in 95% pharmacies

from 27.79 zł

Prenatal Primo

kapsułki, 30 kapsułek


Suplement diety

in 27% pharmacies

from 29.99 zł

Prenatal Uno

kapsułki, 30 kapsułek

zingiber officinale+iodine+choline+pyridoxine+folic acid+methylcobalamin+colecalciferol

Suplement diety

in 54% pharmacies

from 34.79 zł

Vitrum D3 forte

kapsułki, 120 kapsułek


Suplement diety

in 76% pharmacies

from 29.19 zł

Elevit Pronatal

tabletki powlekane, 100 tabletek blistry


Lek bez recepty

in 0% pharmacies

Pregna Plus bez żelaza

kapsułki, 30 kapsułek

folic acid+colecalciferol+iodine+docosahexanoic acid

Suplement diety

in 34% pharmacies

from 37.99 zł

Ascofer Plus

tabletki powlekane, 50 tabletek

ascorbic acid+ferrum+folic acid

Suplement diety

in 17% pharmacies

from 9.19 zł

Duphavit Pregna

kapsułki, 30 kapsułek

Suplement diety

in 18% pharmacies

from 25.19 zł

Solevitum D3 2000 j.m.

kapsułki, 75 kapsułek


Suplement diety

in 4% pharmacies

from 23.99 zł

Prenatal DHA

kapsułki, 30 kapsułek

omega triglycerides+tocopherol

Suplement diety

in 34% pharmacies

from 34.79 zł

Prevomit 4mama

tabletki powlekane, 28 tabletek

Suplement diety

in 22% pharmacies

from 23.35 zł

Vigalex Forte

tabletki, 120 tabletek


Lek bez recepty

in 84% pharmacies

from 39.99 zł

Kerabione Mama

tabletki, 60 tabletek


Suplement diety

in 28% pharmacies

from 37.37 zł

Biofer Folic

tabletki, 60 tabletek

ascorbic acid+ferrum+folic acid

Suplement diety

in 32% pharmacies

from 23.49 zł

Acti Vita-Miner Prenatal + DHA

kapsułki oraz tabletki, 1 zestaw: 30 tabletek + 30 kapsułek

minerals+omega triglycerides+vitamins

Suplement diety

in 31% pharmacies

from 25.99 zł

Vigantoletten Max

kapsułki, 120 kapsułek


Suplement diety

in 90% pharmacies

from 35.50 zł

Naturell Folian Forte

tabletki, 30 tabletek

folic acid

Suplement diety

in 27% pharmacies

from 19.90 zł


tabletki, 60 tabletek

ferrum+ascorbic acid

Suplement diety

in 25% pharmacies

from 19.70 zł

Composita Mama DHA

kapsułki, 90 kapsułek = 30 różowych + 60 przezroczystych

Suplement diety

in 5% pharmacies

from 51.79 zł

Omegamed Pregna DHA

kapsułki, 30 kapsułek

docosahexanoic acid

Suplement diety

in 0% pharmacies

Femibion 0 Planowanie ciąży

tabletki, 28 tabletek

vitamins+folic acid+iodine

Suplement diety

in 60% pharmacies

from 24.99 zł

Prenatal Duo Prenatal Classic + Prenatal DHA

kapsułki oraz tabletki, 1 zestaw: 30 tabletek powlekanych + 30 kapsułek

minerals+omega triglycerides+vitamins

Środek spożywczy

in 1% pharmacies

from 82.99 zł

1 products are assigned to topic by our editors, among whom are pharmacists. Producers have no influence on composition or order of the list. If you see that some product is missing, contact us.


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