Kosta (anonim, 82.214.112.) Warszawa 2 lata temu

Can I stop taking Dulsevia?


Im using Duselvia 60mg for approx. 1 year.
The pills work very well for me but when I try to quit them I feel sleepy, I have tinnitus and I feel nervous. My question is should I quit or continue to use them? How long you recommend that I use them? I'm afraid of becoming addicted to them. Please advise.

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Katarzyna Zdunek Farmaceuta

2 lata temu

As I mentioned before this decision should be made by the doctor who prescribed the drug. Please consult the doctor.

Kosta (anonim, 82.214.112.) 2 lata temu

I started to use again 30mg and I feel well. Should I take 60mg after one week or stay on 30mg all the time?

Katarzyna Zdunek Farmaceuta

2 lata temu

In general, symptoms resolve on their own, usually within 2 weeks, although in some patients it may be longer (2 to 3 months or longer).

If intolerable symptoms occur following a decrease in the dose or upon discontinuation of treatment, then resuming the previously prescribed dose may be considered. Then the doctor can recommend further gradual dose reduction, but at a slower pace.

The doctor should decide on withdrawal of this medication or continuation of therapy.

Kosta (anonim, 82.214.112.) 2 lata temu

Many thanks for your reply!
I want to ask you few more thing. Last pill was 30mg on 26.05. today 01.06. i still have drowsiness, tinnitus, diarrhea and nervousness. How long usually last this symptoms? should I use them again? because with them I'm OK but I don't want to use them for all my life. Thanks again!

Katarzyna Zdunek Farmaceuta

2 lata temu

Sudden withdrawal of duloxetine (the active pharmaceutical ingredient of Dulsevia) should be avoided. It is a prescription drug for use according to the recommendations of the doctor who decides about dosage and duration of therapy with this medication.

In case of termination of treatment by Dulsevia dose should be gradually reduced over at least 1 to 2 weeks to minimize the risk of withdrawal symptoms, which may include symptoms such as drowsiness, tinnitus and nervousness.

Consult the doctor who prescribed Dulsevia. Your doctor will settle the necessity to treatment discontinuation and determine the appropriate dose.

Below I am enclosing additional materials that may be helpful:



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