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CHER (Anonymous, 37.7.113.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How to change the contraceptive pill to the vaginal disc?

I have been using two-component contraceptive pills for 2 years. This month I would like to try a contraceptive disc. Should I wear it on the first day of bleeding? After what time does it start to work? If I want to return to the tablets, should I take the first one after a 7-day break after removing the disc? Thank you for your reply

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

16 months ago

To @Monika: Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not provide for such a procedure. In this situation, I would recommend using additional protection for at least the first 7 days after inserting the contraceptive ring.

Monika (Anonymous, 188.47.119.) 16 months ago

It was my 1 tablet. I took the first one on the 1st day of menstruation and used 12 days. I had to change them to a puck with poeidy acts undesirable

Monika (Anonymous, 188.47.119.) 16 months ago

And what if you stop active tablets in the middle, i.e. on 12 tablets and on the 13th day you take a placebo and on the 7th placebo tablet you put a disc, the contraceptive protection is preserved? I did this when I started the pills. That was the doctor's recommendation. Was it because it was only 12 active tablets that I was not protected? It was a year ago and I still use discs, do they work if I switched from tablets to them in this way?

Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Pharmacist

2 years ago

If you have used the combined contraceptive pill according to the scheme and pregnancy has been ruled out, you can stop using the pills at any time and put on a contraceptive disc immediately. You can also wait for withdrawal bleeding, then the disc should be applied no later than the day on which you would start a new blister of tablets. In both cases, you are protected from becoming pregnant immediately from the moment you put the puck on, there is no need for an additional method of contraception. If you would like to return to the combined contraceptive pills in the next cycle, it is best to take the pill on the day of disc removal. This can be done later, but no later than the day of application of the new disc. I encourage you to read the text: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/krazki-dopochwowe

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