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Basia432 (Anonymous, 178.36.201.) Warszawa 2 years ago

After 7 days of intercourse I got a period, can I exclude pregnancies?

Good morning If there was intercourse (during intercourse I should be during the period which, however, did not appear) which broke the condom and after about 3 hours I took an escapelle tablet. After 7 days of intercourse I got a period or can I exclude pregnancies?

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

I have already answered this question several times, and you have read their content. Please remember that other patients are also waiting for our help, so there is no need to ask the same questions several times, especially since you have already received an answer from at least two different pharmacists who were in agreement with each other. If you have any other problem that you have not raised so far on our forum, then we will be happy to help.

Basia432 (Anonymous, 78.9.72.) 2 years ago

But can I exclude pregnancies 100 percent? I don't have to worry that something could have falsified the result?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

In my opinion, the possible causes of breast pain could be for a very long time, and it will not contribute much to the case, except that you may be unnecessarily stressed - and so we will not determine the right cause. Just go to the gynecologist - he will guide the diagnosis of your problem.

Basia432 (Anonymous, 78.9.72.) 2 years ago

So I can exclude pregnancies after such a time at 100%, especially since the beta comes out negative.. And is it possible for these to be hormonal disorders?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

It is rather unlikely that breast pain will appear 20 days after taking Escapelle.

Basia432 (Anonymous, 78.9.72.) 2 years ago

I am aware of this, however, I wonder about breast pain and significantly enlarging them is possible so that after more than 20 days from the use of escapelle dopero they began to hurt me? Could it be another reason?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

If you have a negative pregnancy test, you are not pregnant. If you do not trust the result of the test, there is no other way to make you believe that fertilization has not occurred.

Basia432 (Anonymous, 31.0.48.) 2 years ago

I repeated Bete hcg and came out negative But for a few days I have significantly increased breasts and they hurt a lot when he touches I have already over a week to a period of over 12 days or should I worry about the fact that despite the negative result I am pregnant? Please answer I do not know what to think about it ...

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

The result indicates the absence of pregnancy. Mucus is a natural method of moisturizing and self-cleansing the vagina, so it is normal for it to occur in variable amounts, and the increase in appetite can simply be temporary.

Basia432 (Anonymous, 83.28.216.) 2 years ago

After 10 days I did a beta test hcg the result was 1.20. Recently, I have noticed an increase in appetite and a greater amount of transparent rare mucus. Is it ovulation or some side effects? With this result, can I be sure of the absence of pregnancy and there is no need to repeat the test?

Basia432 (Anonymous, 83.28.217.) 2 years ago

If after 10 days after intercourse I do a beta test hcg and it comes out negative, can I completely exclude pregnancies?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

If you are convinced that bleeding is menstruation and not a side effect of taking Escapelle twice, then pregnancy can be excluded. However, it seems reasonable in this situation to determine the concentration of the pregnancy hormone beta hCG in the blood after 2 weeks from the last unprotected intercourse.

Basia432 (Anonymous, 83.28.217.) 2 years ago

Even if I took an escapelle tablet twice in one cycle? (yes I realize that this is not appropriate behavior and I should not do so)

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

In my opinion - yes, you can exclude pregnancy, but if you are still afraid, please do a pregnancy test: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/test-ciazowy-jaki-wybrac-i-kiedy-zrobic

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