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Alicja  (Anonymous, 164.127.216.) Warszawa 2 months ago

Is there a possibility that bleeding will not occur when taking the tablets regularly?
9.99 zł

Hello, I have been taking birth control pills regularly for more than two years, so far the bleeding from withdrawal has appeared more or less on the 4th pill of the fingersbo. Unfortunately, now, for the first time, the bleeding did not appear. I also took a pregnancy test and it came out negative.
Is it possible that bleeding will not occur during regular use of the tablets? Is this normal?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

When using hormonal contraception, there may be no withdrawal bleeding. If the tablets have been taken correctly and according to the manufacturer's instructions, there is no reason to worry about the lack of effectiveness of the drug. If a dose is missed in the last cycle, pregnancy should be ruled out. Analysing your post, I conclude that the lack of bleeding is simply a side effect of prolonged contraceptive use. If the problem persists, I encourage you to seek medical advice.

In case of any doubts, I encourage you to use the teleconsultation with a gynaecologist - the service is available on our website in the e-visit tab:


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