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Asia  (Anonymous, 95.160.168.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is pain in the lower abdomen after discontinuation of contraception normal?

Hi I have a question I stopped taking birth control pills because they did not suit me but there was pain in the lower abdomen I suspect that this is ovarian pain. Now my question is whether this is normal in this situation? Yours sincerely

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

After complete discontinuation of contraceptive pills, withdrawal bleeding should or may (depending on the type of preparation) occur within a few days. Then the body deprived of the supply of hormones from the tablet returns to the "physiological tracks". When using birth control pills, ovulation does not occur, since the hormones from the pill block it. In the case of patients in whom fluctuations in hormone levels in the physiological cycle cause pain-contractile pain (e.g. ovulatory pain), this may mean that during the treatment they will not occur and will return after the end of the method. It is possible that the pain you feel is related to one of the above phenomena. At the same time, it is difficult to unequivocally assess that they are "normal". Persistent or intensified pain in the area of the female organs should prompt you to contact a gynecologist.

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