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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Pysiulka (Anonymous, 89.64.93.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Does Zoloft affect the effectiveness of EllaOne?

Good morning, I would like to ask if I can safely take Zoloft after taking the EllaOne tablet. I took the pill on 02.10 12h after intercourse in which my contraception failed. That day I also missed taking zoloft but the day before. I would like to know if Zoloft will affect the effectiveness of this contraception and if so, when I could start taking it again.

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Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Pharmacist

2 years ago

Zawarta w produkcie leczniczym Zoloft sertralina nie wpływa na skuteczność tabletki EllaOne. Przerywanie stosowania leku Zoloft ze względu na zastosowanie tzw. "tabletki po" jest nieuzasadnione i niewskazane. Proszę kontynuować przyjmowanie leku zgodnie z zaleceniami.

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