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Weronika (Anonymous, 45.159.164.) Warszawa 18 months ago

Can rubbing with organs lead to pregnancy?

Good morning I do not know what to think in such a situation, together with the boy we rubbed against each other with naked organs, he thoroughly touched me on the labia, the penis was probably not very wet, it also did not touch the entrance to the vagina, it lasted maybe a minute then I rubbed the labia upwards, the period I have in a day or two but I do not have any pain in the lower abdomen as it was usually and I start to stress, I will add that it was most likely two days after ovulation, is there a chance of pregnancy?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

59 days ago

To @Natalia Sz 🍩 :

No, you can't get pregnant by rubbing your genitals, even during menstruation. Pregnancy requires direct contact between the sperm and the egg. In the described case, where there was no full intercourse, so the risk of pregnancy is very low, especially on the third day of the period.

Also, having a regular menstrual cycle of 27-29 days and ovulation predicted on day 13 of the cycle, the chance of getting pregnant in this situation is minimal.
In this situation, there is no need to fear pregnancy because of the interaction described.

Weronika (Anonymous, 5.173.146.) 59 days ago

No chance of pregnancy

Natalia Sz 🍩 (Anonymous, 185.146.99.) 59 days ago

Is it possible to get pregnant by rubbing your organs against your vagina? It was the third day of the period. During the period there can be a pregnancy in 4 days I have fertile days I have a regular cycle cycle length 27-29 the period lasts 7 days I got February 24 ends on March 1 the evolution should be on the 13th day of the cycle what is the chance of pregnancy. I had a tampon so full intercourse didn't. Was.

Anna Pochopień Pharmacist

18 months ago

You are probably not pregnant, this is confirmed by a negative pregnancy test result. The reasons for the delay of the period can be different - e.g. stress, lifestyle change, incorrect diet.

Weronika (Anonymous, 45.159.164.) 18 months ago

Yesterday evening I did a test with a sensitivity of 10 ml / u 14 days after this situation, negative result, but today is the first day of being late, I do not know what to think about it

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

18 months ago

Getting pregnant after petting would only be possible if the caresses led to the transfer of sperm to the vagina. In general, this is unlikely, but the partners have full knowledge of the course of the rapprochement.

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