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.... (Anonymous, 80.54.231.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is a pregnancy test 30 days after intercourse reliable and negative?

Good morning, is the pregnancy test 30 days after intercourse reliable and negative?

4 answers, 1 subscriber

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Abdominal pain does not affect the absorption of the tablet, since diarrhea has not occurred. You also had withdrawal bleeding, so I see no cause for concern. The effectiveness of the tablet is primarily influenced by its regular use.

.... (Anonymous, 5.173.136.) 2 years ago

In addition, I lost 5 kg of 1.5 months. Could this have affected the effectiveness of the tablets?

.... (Anonymous, 80.54.231.) 2 years ago

It was made from morning urine. I will add that there was also withdrawal bleeding because I am taking birth control pills. I do the test because with the 15th tablet of the previous package after 3 hours my stomach hurt as for diarrhea, but it did not occur and nothing happened afterwards, so I took a normal break. Now I'm after another package.

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

A pregnancy test taken 30 days after intercourse should show pregnancy if it occurs. Tests for home use are reliable according to the manufacturer's declaration. For example, "On the basis of clinical and laboratory studies carried out, it was found that the reliability of the pregnancy test is 99%". Or "more than 99% accurate" or "accuracy over 99.9%". So there is a very small margin of error. If you performed the above test correctly, then its result is negative, because two lines are not visible. I enclose additional information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/test-ciazowy-jaki-wybrac-i-kiedy-zrobic

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