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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Marta (Anonymous, 31.2.65.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is there a possibility of pregnancy if I have any strange withdrawal bleeding?

Good morning. For a few days I have been very worried about just a few months biore contraceptive pills 21+7 (regularly). On June 4, I had my first time with my boyfriend. In June, I got withdrawal bleeding on day 2 and it was like always on average abundant sometimes some clots. However, now in July bleeding I got 3 days and there is some strange, scant practically only on the insole or is it normal? On the second day I had shreds and typical periodic abdominal pain. Today is a 4 day break and there is practically nothing left. It's the first time I've had that. Is there a possibility of pregnancy? I haven't had sex since That June 4th. He's very stressed

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Jeśli stresuje się Pani ciążą, to nie ma innej metody diagnozy, niż wykonanie testu ciążowego:

gdyż farmaceuta nie zdiagnozuje zapłodnienia drogą internetowej rozmowy.

Nie znajduję jednak podstaw, aby miała Pani powody do zmartwień, gdyż krwawienie z odstawienia wystąpiło. Nie ma znaczenia, czy jest ono Pani zdaniem "dziwne", czy nie. Jego obfitość i długość może być różna. Najważniejsze, że w ogóle wystąpiło.

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