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Bella (Anonymous, 37.248.171.) Warszawa 17 months ago

Is it bad that I don't remember dreams since I took Duloxetine?

since I take Duloxetine (about 3 weeks) I do not remember my dreams, before I always remembered them, is it wrong?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

17 months ago

"Lack of dream memory" is not mentioned as a known side effect of Duloxetine, but the preparation can cause various types of sleep disorders (m.in realistic dreams, nightmares, difficulty falling asleep). If you noticed the change with the beginning of therapy, it cannot be ruled out that it is related to the drug. The fact that you do not remember your dreams does not have a direct negative impact on your health, at the same time it is difficult for me to assess whether it is good or bad. If the fact that you have been able to recreate dreams so far had any positive meaning for you, then the loss of this property can be in a sense depressing for you. It is worth talking to your psychiatrist about this: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane I enclose additional information about the drug Duloxetine - the drug can be booked through WherePoLek and picked up stationary upon presentation of a prescription: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/89677/duloxetine-zentiva-kapsulki/apteki/w-warszawie

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