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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Okaa (Anonymous, 93.176.245.) Warszawa 17 months ago

Could the pill get through and stop in the nose?

Hello, I asked the last question whether the contraceptive pill can fit into the nose, I got the answer that no. I wonder about one more thing, because sometimes it happens to me that the discharge from the nose falls into my throat and then comes back. Sorry for the question itself But it doesn't give me peace. Thanks in advance for your reply

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

17 months ago

There is no way that the tablet will get into the nose. This could only happen if you choked or sneezed when you swallowed the medicine and this would cause the tablet to move into the nasal openings. Generally - if you swallowed a pill, it went to the stomach. A runny nose coming from the nose to the throat has no effect on the transfer of the tablet and would not lead to the drug withdrawing from the throat to the nose. If you did not feel a foreign body in your nose - there is no reason to worry.

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