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Agnieszka (Anonymous, 194.177.28.) Polska 18 months ago

Is it better to take the first tablet from the new package the day before or a day later?

I confused the weaning days... I do not know if I should take the pill tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Is it better to take the first tablet of the new package a day earlier or a day later? and for how long to apply additional protection? Will the day of slipping to the right or left have a bad effect on the tablets? Please answer without sending previous questions and answers :) greetings :)

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

18 months ago

Excessive lengthening of the interval between packages will be very unfavorable. If you have doubts about which day to take the first tablet from the new blister, it is definitely better to do it the day before than a day too late. Not starting a new contraceptive package in time after a break is as if you missed the pill completely in the first week of use - this results in the loss of protection against pregnancy and is associated with its risk if you recently had intercourse. I do not know if you use Atywia, but such a drug is tagged with the question. Example information from the leaflet of this preparation for the omission of 1 tablet in the first week of taking the drug from the current package: Take the missed tablet as soon as possible (even if it means taking two tablets at the same time) and take the next one at a fixed time. For the next 7 days, additional contraceptive methods (mechanical methods) should be used. If sexual intercourse has been maintained during the week preceding the missed tablet, it is possible to become pregnant. Tell your doctor immediately. You should also refer to the "Scheme of action in case of skipping a tablet". I enclose additional information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-prawidlowo-stosowac-antykoncepcje

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