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olka  (Anonymous, 188.146.47.) Warszawa 1 year ago

How to take pills if I need to postpone menstruation in September?

Do I need to postpone the date of getting menstruation in September or is it better to shorten the withdrawal after the next menstruation or not to do withdrawal in September?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

If you miss a withdrawal bleeding, you may experience post-cycle spotting in the next cycle. It is worth taking this into account when planning changes in the scheme of taking the drug. You did not write what medicine you are talking about. If you have been tagged with Belara, according to the documentation for this medicine: "Although it is not recommended, it is possible to delay the onset of menstrual bleeding (withdrawal bleeding) by starting a new blister of Belara immediately without maintaining a break period in the use of the drug until the contents of the second blister are exhausted. When using tablets from the second blister, bleeding or midcyclic spotting (drops or spots of blood) may occur. Then, after the usual 7-day break, you should continue taking the tablets from the next package. If you plan to delay the date of your menstrual bleeding, you may seek medical advice."

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