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Monika (Anonymous, 83.25.202.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can St. John's wort weaken the action of the Nuvaring disc?

I unknowingly drank St. John's wort tea once. 300 ml approximately. Sostuje nuvaring and can this reduce its effect? I had intercourse 10 days ago. In a week he takes out the disc. If St. John's wort weakened this disc, if I put the next one, the protection will be full?

21 answers, 1 subscriber

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Monika (Anonymous, 178.212.53.) 2 years ago

Thank you for your reply

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Monika: Exactly, a low concentration of LH appears during the cycle despite the use of contraception. Only a strongly colored line on the test indicates ovulation. In my opinion - when using contraception, ovulation tests are unnecessary. As I have already mentioned - the effect of contraception consists of many factors, which is why a pale pink line on the ovulation test does not provide information about the effectiveness of a given agent.

Monika (Anonymous, 37.248.175.) 2 years ago

In general, I heard that there is always a slightly visible line. Only that during ovulation two equally intense lines should be shown

Monika (Anonymous, 37.248.175.) 2 years ago

On other tests, he chose slightly red. So when to take these tests into account? If they are strongly red?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Monika: Preparations used in hormonal contraception lower the concentration of LH and, among other things, inhibit ovulation in this way. However, it cannot be ruled out, although it happens extremely rarely, that they will not completely inhibit the secretion of LH or shorten the persistence of elevated concentrations of this hormone in the blood. This does not mean, however, that contraception does not work properly, because the action of tablets consists of a number of different mechanisms, such as a change in the composition of cervical mucus. This slightly visible line does not indicate a positive test result. In my opinion, there is a visible strip, which should turn pink if the test was positive.

Monika (Anonymous, 83.25.204.) 2 years ago

Here is a picture of what this line looks like, on another it was slightly more pronounced but it is also difficult to see it? Suggest these tests? Isn't it worth doing them at all?

Monika (Anonymous, 83.25.204.) 2 years ago

Today I made this other company than facelle and there is also a really slightly visible line. I did them for 5 days and in each of them there was a slight dash. I don't know if it makes sense to continue doing these ovulation tests? Is the LH level light in the body because this line is slightly visible or does contraception completely inhibit LH?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Monika: Facelle drugstore tests may have questionable accuracy, so in my opinion you should not suggest the result on which the line was slightly visible.

Monika (Anonymous, 83.25.204.) 2 years ago

I did 3 days ago ovulation tests (facelle) and in these tests appeared the second line slightly visible. I don't know what that means, if it could have been enough to ovulate when using Nuvaring. At the time when I was doing the facelle ovulation test, in which a slightly visible line came out, I did a test from another company and there was no second line on it. Should you consider these ovulation tests?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

There is nothing for what - I keep my fingers crossed for the result you expect. All the best ;)

Monika (Anonymous, 83.25.202.) 2 years ago

I understand thank you, I will let you know when I do the test. You are very helpful. Thank you again

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

I am not responsible for what is written on other sites - I speak on my own behalf and to the best of my knowledge. If you are putting a question to me, I understand that you want to read my opinion. However, I cannot verify other people's statements on this subject. If you consult in several different places, it is known that you will come across different statements - not necessarily people who are specialists. It is up to you to choose who you trust. You use hormonal contraception that protects you from getting pregnant. The risk of fertilization in a situation where the partner touched the entrance to the vagina with the penis when using contraception - even if its effectiveness is lower - looking realistically at the experience of our patients - is very unlikely. You can trust me or not and just take a pregnancy test to rule out a possible pregnancy. This is a cheap and simple method, because you do not risk anything if you are afraid of possible fertilization. Fear alone will not contribute anything to the situation - whether you are worried or not - if you are to get pregnant from petting, you will get pregnant - in my opinion, this is not likely in your situation. There is no scale according to which it is determined whether a given agent weakens the effectiveness of hormonal contraception more or less. Regardless of how it weakens - in any case, weakness may be associated with a greater or lesser risk of getting pregnant. The greatest risk is always fraught with full intercourse - with ejaculation into the vagina. With you, this did not happen at the right time.

Monika (Anonymous, 83.25.202.) 2 years ago

But I don't really understand. I think so, the sperm may have got into the vagina, I'm not saying it was, but I'm considering this option. And 2 days later I drank tea from St. John's wort

Monika (Anonymous, 37.248.166.) 2 years ago

You say that I have nothing to fear, but when I go to any website, you write that there is a risk of pregnancy if the partnet touched the tip of the penis to enter the vagina. And that's how it was in my situation. Does this St. John's wort significantly reduce the effectiveness of the puck?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

You can be calm about petting and intercourse.

Monika (Anonymous, 157.25.17.) 2 years ago

So this petting, that is, the boy touched the entrance to the vagina with his penis, that's what I mean. Am I to worry that fertilization may have occurred in this situation? Because I do not know if you meant that I can be calm about the intercourse that was 10 days ago or petting 2 days ago

Monika (Anonymous, 83.25.202.) 2 years ago

This is the situation that I have presented to you. Should I worry about the option that fertilization may have occurred?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

White thick mucus is a natural method of moisturizing the vagina and is nothing to worry about.

Monika (Anonymous, 83.25.202.) 2 years ago

And 2 days ago there was petting on the principle of rubbing, probably touched the very entrance to the vagina, some sperm from the preejaculate could get into the vagina, but then and to this day I have mucus gestures white, generally nie acidic environment. Am I supposed to be afraid of that too?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Yes, preparations with St. John's wort can reduce the effectiveness of the Nuvaring disc, but they do not threaten the intercourse taken 10 days ago. The effectiveness of the disc may be reduced for 7 consecutive days, i.e. after putting on the next one you will already be protected. I am attaching a study that may be helpful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jakie-leki-oslabiaja-skutecznosc-antykoncepcji

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