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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Nowa 123  (Anonymous, 83.11.78.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Does taking a birth control pill every day for 10 minutes affect its effectiveness more quickly?

Good morning This month I started 4 blister tablets vibin mini. Due to the change of time, I wanted to go back to 9:30 of the old time on the first day, i took the tablet at 10:30 the next day 10 minutes faster and thus wanted to get to that hour. I read that I do not have to do this so on the 3rd day I took the tablet at 9:30 and since then I take already at this time my question is whether the protection against pregnancy has been preserved? 2nd I still have a question I know that it is better for me to take the tablets at a specific time but because of the changes probably in a month I will have to take them at 6 am how to do that everything was okay? Thank you in advance for your reply.

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

1. Tak, ochrona została zachowana.

2. Proszę z dnia na dzień przejść z godziny 9:30 na 6:00. Wcześniejsze zażycie tabletki antykoncepcyjnej nie wpływa na jej skuteczność.

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