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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Bodar (Anonymous, 185.36.169.) Warszawa 15 months ago

And for example, Maxon did not help me. I had high hopes for him...

And for example, Maxon did not help me. I had high hopes for it because you know how they advertise it on TV. I bought myself pills, cheap were not as you know, but the action was weak. Something worked there, I will not say. However, I took better, more effective means, a little more expensive than maxon but I prefer to pay more but at least see how something works. So I went back to them with my tail between my legs

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. If erection problems persist, I encourage you to consult a doctor. You can also use the teleadvice offered, m.in by the portal Gdziepolek.pl: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja

Mads (Anonymous, 37.28.157.) 15 months ago

I support the person above here. I have the impression that the more advertised something is less effective. And so it is in maxon. Which I also took and kieeepsko I did not use on, but man power so and if someone would like to try it is probably currently the strongest means without a prescription. So I can also recommend.

Bodar (Anonymous, 178.255.42.) 15 months ago

Understand that something different works for everyone. And sildenafil does not have to be a solution precisely because of the side effects it can cause. What about how it will work as someone will have a headache after that or the erection will be painful. In addition, let's not kid ourselves that it does not have such an indifferent effect on the liver because it can be harmful to it. And it's addictive.

robertus (Anonymous, 178.255.42.) 15 months ago

And isn't it the case that sildenafil is the active substance?

excus (Anonymous, 46.242.137.) 15 months ago

Sildenafil let go of sboie, at least for now. I would try these two means if I were you: ero tabs - something like sildenafil. mega powerful tablets. Without a prescription, at the beginning you can try half an hour before intercourse. on - a little different, improve overall condition, erection size and volume. Also quite cool, Although you have to be quite consistent here and take pills regularly because as you leave yourself and take one or two a week it will not help

ovii (Anonymous, 212.91.26.) 15 months ago

What are you writing about here? Because I'm slowly falling into deprecha myself. I am 28 years old and erection problems and at this age you should not have such sad problems Already when I was 25 years old I saw the beginnings but I explained it to myself studies, defense of stress Then I started a job that I have a pretty cool chick I also have great. But just when it comes to intercourse, the penis falls. I already avoid intercourse because I don't want to compromise myself in front of a girl. However, it is very humiliating for me. I'm already thinking about going to the doctor for sildenafil.

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