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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Adam (Anonymous, 5.173.113.) Opolskie 19 months ago

Where can I buy Cannabis Flos THC 20%, CBD ≤ 0.5% (Canopy Growth)?

Where is this dried Canapy Growth 20 thc 0.5 cbd ? You say that in the wholesale from 2 weeks is and what calls the pharmacy is to say that you can not order from the wholesaler. This would be correct because the pharmacy website with this dried does not arrive. What's going on here?

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To use the herbs, you need a vaporizer:

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

18 months ago

We have received information from the manufacturer that dried Cannabis Flos THC 20%, CBD ≤ 0.5% (Canopy Growth) is https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/115281/cannabis-flos-thc-20-cbd-0-5-canopy-growth-marihuana-lecznicza-medyczna/apteki to be available in pharmacies from November 14 this year.

Gość (Anonymous, 89.65.76.) 18 months ago

Apparently, some batches did not pass the tests. The whole procedure takes about 4 weeks. It is not known whether it will be in December or maybe next year.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

18 months ago

We have received information from the manufacturer that the next delivery of dried fruit is planned for the first week of November this year https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/115281/cannabis-flos-thc-20-cbd-0-5-canopy-growth-marihuana-lecznicza-medyczna/apteki.

Zielony Ludek (Anonymous, 87.239.222.) 19 months ago

Super-pharm threw a new batch of 01/2023 into the states today, but probably not from the new October supply, but the wholesaler released their reserves. They sometimes make such surprises "from under the counter"... and at the right time. With Red it was also so. ✌️👋👊

Zetes (Anonymous, 83.4.204.) 19 months ago

I see few varieties you smoked that you claim that it is a synthetic 🙈

Kuba (Anonymous, 82.177.135.) 19 months ago

@grzegorz It's more of a matter of variety. On me, Aurora 20% also has a strong psychedelic effect, and Spectrum Red No 2 (19%), which has only 1% THC less, works completely differently - calms and relaxes, without paranoia.

Albert  (Anonymous, 31.60.68.) 19 months ago

@grzegorz - I think it's a matter of high thc. For me, for example, aurora 20 had a psychedelic effect. If I did not know that it is from the pharmacy I would also wonder what kind of chemistry it is. It's just better to use the 1:1 variety and why offend 20% thc?

Gull (Anonymous, 37.248.162.) 19 months ago

Man take august embrace because you have already seen the ;)

Grzegorz  (Anonymous, 176.100.199.) 19 months ago

The last time he writes anything here and I honestly prefer to have problems with the law than to be a patient of this drug from a Polish pharmacy. Let them examine this drought, whether there is no synthetic thc because seriously strange effect has, not natural.. The smell, the taste of this dried too.. Mentally, physically after this thing is not like after the natural Ganja.

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