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Mama29 (Anonymous, 31.60.241.) Warszawa 19 months ago

Is the second row in the Vibin blister a second cycle?

I have been taking Vibin birth control pills for more than a year now ... is the 2nd row in the blister the 2nd cycle?

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Mama29 (Anonymous, 31.60.241.) 19 months ago

Well, in the case of Vibin (as I read in the leaflet) even when the drug was taken above 12 hours in the 2nd week of the cycle, the protection is preserved ... only at the beginning and at the end of contraception is less effective

Karolina Żułtaszek Pharmacist

19 months ago

One cycle of vibin contraceptive pills lasts 28 days, with yellow pills being used for the first 21 days and white tablets not containing the active substance for the next 7 days. If you miss the yellow pill and do not take it within 12 hours of the standard time of taking the drug, there is a risk of reducing contraceptive protection, and therefore, there is an increased risk of becoming pregnant. You can read more about Vibin at the following link: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/82280/vibin-tabletki-powlekane/apteki

Mama29 (Anonymous, 31.60.241.) 19 months ago

I have been taking Vibin birth control pills for more than a year now ... is the 2nd row in the blister the 2nd cycle? And is it possible to get pregnant if I forgot about the pill...

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