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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Dajana (Anonymous, 5.173.132.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Skipping 3 tablets at the beginning of the cycle - what to do?

Hello, I started contraception to regulate menstruation. I finished the first pack of pills, went to the pharmacy for the second and it turned out that the prescription expired. Before I got a new one, about 7 days passed (that is, all this time without pills). Should I now just take the pill I should take or wait again until the first day of my period?

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Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Pharmacist

1 year ago

For @Dajana: Drovelis contraceptive pills are taken in a regimen of 24 active tablets + 4 placebo tablets. If the interruption in the use of tablets lasted 7 days, this situation should be treated as the omission of 3 tablets in the first use of tablets in the cycle. In such a situation, the manufacturer of the drug does not provide specific instructions for how to proceed, but recommends contacting a doctor who will decide what to do in this particular situation will be the most appropriate. This information should be provided by your doctor prescribing Drovelis and the above question should be directed to him.

Dajana (Anonymous, 5.173.131.) 1 year ago

Drovelis 3 mg+14.2 mg tabl. powl.

Aleksandra Berdys Pharmacist

1 year ago

What exactly is the preparation you use?

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