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KAMA (Anonymous, 88.156.138.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can I take tryptophan overnight if I use Trittico?

Hello. For 2 months I took Trittico 75mg. Currently, I stop taking the drug and take 50mg and in a few days 25mg. My question is, can I take tryptophan 500mg overnight?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Tryptophan and its derivative 5-HTP in combination with drugs with serotonergic action (e.g. Trittico) can cause serotonin syndrome, and this is already a potentially life-threatening condition. Serotonin syndrome is manifested m.in confusion, agitation, fever, sweating, ataxia, hyperreflexia, muscle clonic seizures and diarrhea. This condition is distinguished by the so-called triad of symptoms, which includes: 1. Vegetative disorders, i.e. an increase in blood pressure, fever, diarrhea, vomiting and mydriasis. 2. Psychiatric symptoms, consisting of anxiety disorders, feelings of anxiety and confusion. 3. Neuromuscular ailments, i.e. recurrent cramps, pain and increased muscle tone. Wait 1-2 days before you start using Tryptophan. Please note that pharmacotherapy supports treatment by usually affecting only the symptoms of the disease. Proper treatment is psychotherapy, which deals with the causes and is designed to lead the patient to healthy functioning, also without the use of medicines. If you have not undertaken (apart from taking medication) psychotherapy, I encourage you to make an appointment with an appropriate specialist. I enclose a description of the preparation that you are currently taking: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/80016/trittico-cr-tabletki/ulotka/118138

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