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Warszawa 2 years ago

Did the fact that I smoked marijuana mean that Velaxin and Mirtagen do not work for me?

Hello, I have depression and anxiety, I took mozarin for about a year 10-15mg, at the beginning it worked but due to family problems death of my father I also smoked Marijuana, which made me feel bad but it went for a long time only I felt bad, from 3 April I take Velaxin initially 75mg for some time 150mg and mirtagen 45mg in the evening, the next visit I have 6 April but I do not feel improvement, because I smoked marijuana can the drugs no longer work for me?

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Rzepkie (Anonymous, 188.147.100.) 2 years ago

No improvement, rather is the change of the drug to another?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

In my opinion, we should wait for the final effect of the current therapy, which can be expected after about 3 months from the last modification of drug doses. It is also worth considering psychotherapy - in most cases it often gives better results than the drugs themselves.


2 years ago

I will say yes and so it is better than a year ago, a week after the accident when I was on sick the disease returned after 3-4 years, then I had anxiety and depressive symptoms, that I did not have the strength to get out of bed and I cried constantly, now I go to work is hard but somehow gives advice, when it comes to medication I feel most when it comes to drugs I feel like I am in a disadvantaged situation, etc. for example, when I leave the house to work, when I have time off and I do not leave the house I do not feel the drug but I also do not feel positive energy

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

It all depends on the form of the disease, the source of anxiety, etc. therefore the treatment should be selected individually. If first-line drugs, i.e. Mirtagen and Velaxin, do not help, then the doctor may decide to implement m.in tricyclic antidepressants, e.g. amitriptyline or others such as pregabalin or quetiapine. Therapy with a psychologist is also important - drug treatment alone in such cases is insufficient. Here you will find information on how to treat anxiety: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/zaburzenia-lekowe-nerwica


2 years ago

And what are the other treatments as you can know? I will do everything to finally feel a surge of happiness, self-esteem and inner peace because it makes my everyday life, work, etc. very difficult. I'm so worried so much because after mozarin what I took at the beginning of the effects quite quickly occurred because of my doubt

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The optimal effect of Velaxin and Mirtagen therapy is observed on average after about 3 months of therapy. The fact that you have used marijuana in the past does not affect the tolerance of your current treatment. After a few weeks after discontinuation of marijuana, it will no longer affect the treatment. If after about 3 months of using Velaxin 150 mg and Mirtagen 45 mg you do not observe satisfactory results, then you should consider changing the treatment method - after consulting your doctor. I also attach links to helpful entries: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/depresja https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/zaburzenia-lekowe-nerwica

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