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Sonia (Anonymous, 31.60.227.) Warszawa 2 years ago

What sweat blocker can be used when taking Vibin mini?

What preparation can be used for excessive sweating (it is about a blocker) when using Vibin mini contraceptive pills. The lady in the pharmacy advised me against medispirant, because of its influence.

3 answers, 2 subscribers

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

No, anti-sweat blockers do not affect the effectiveness of contraception. They are applied to the skin, have little permeability to the general body, therefore - they do not interact with the active ingredients of contraceptive pills, there is no reason to worry.

Ania (Anonymous, 77.112.255.) 2 years ago

Can the preparation (blocker) affect the effectiveness of contraceptive pills in any way? On the leaflet there was maybe no question about it, as well as that anyone asks about this issue. I have been using ziaja since then and I became concerned about this question.

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Medispirant will be as suitable as possible. You may also consider using Etiaxil or with milder ones - Vichy Deo, an antiperspirant in a ball. None of these preparations will have a negative effect on Vibin contraception.

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