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Karolina (Anonymous, 46.45.118.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is Cyprodiol a good contraceptive?

hello, I would like to ask if cypriodiol is a good contraceptive? Is it possible to gain weight from it as a side effect?

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

In the document "Assessment report cyproterone acetate/ethinylestradiol (2 mg/0.035 mg) containing medicinal products" you can find information on the contraceptive effect of CPA/EE (2 mg/0.035 mg) - cyproterone acetate 2 mg plus ethinyl estradiol 0.035 mg, which corresponds to the composition of Cyprodiol. In the clinical trial, the results of which were presented at the stage of the application for marketing authorization, the Pearl index for this combination was 0.12. In addition, the contraceptive effect of CPA/EE for such a combination was analyzed in the EURAS study, and it amounted to 0.37. This ratio indicates the number of pregnancies per 100 couples tested using a particular method of contraception for a year. Both numbers fall within the ranges of effectiveness of two-component hormonal contraception. No contraceptive has 100% effectiveness, but the effectiveness of contraceptive pills is so high that no additional protection is required during intercourse with ejaculation, because - with proper use - the risk of getting pregnant is negligible. Please take into account that for contraceptive protection it is decisive for the patient's behavior in terms of proper and systematic use of the drug. Weight gain is a side effect that affects 1 in 10 people taking Cyprodiol. I am attaching a study that may be helpful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-prawidlowo-stosowac-antykoncepcje

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