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Pacjentka (Anonymous, 185.245.194.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How long does an antibiotic weaken the effectiveness of hormonal contraception?

Hello, I have been taking Limetic tablets for 1.5 years. Recently, I was prescribed an antibiotic (Klabax) for 7 days. I started antibiotic therapy at the beginning of a new blister. I usually took the antibiotic a short time away from taking contraception. In addition, I took the antibiotic quite irregularly. How long is contraception weakened? I read that it can be weakened even until the end of the cycle.

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Antybiotyki mogą osłabiać skuteczność antykoncepcji jeszcze przez 7 dni po zakończeniu leczenia, dlatego na ten czas oraz na okres antybiotykoterapii należy się dodatkowo zabezpieczać.

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