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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Martyna  (Anonymous, 37.47.89.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Should I get stressed if withdrawal bleeding did not occur that day, as usual?

Good morning I use novynette tablets regularly I have never missed unfortunately do not use additional contraception Use drugs since September but Since November I had a regular always on Thursday, today is Thursday I have not missed anything and still did not get spotting Is it normal? I had an incident where I first got a few days after the time for 2 days brown heat which alarmed me with the fact that the first time I had such a thing while taking tablets. But after them I did a pregnancy test that came out negative Tez the truth is that I went down covid and take drugs for the thyroid glands on a daily basis but the drugs that I took during covid infection do not affect the action of tablets Normally I continued to function and took regular tablets that is blister and finished on Monday and I should get a stain today But unfortunately I did not get Also for the first time in 7 months has such situations and I wonder if it will be stressful

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Krwawienie z odstawienia nie musi zawsze pojawiać się punktualnie tego samego dnia - nie jest to powód do niepokoju. Organizm ma prawo do odchyleń, dlatego proszę cierpliwie poczekać.

Jeśli do momentu, kiedy powinna Pani przyjąć pigułkę z pierwszego blistra krwawienie się nie pojawi, proszę najpierw wykonać test ciążowy, a po uzyskaniu negatywnego wyniki, dopiero zażyć pierwszą tabletkę aktywną.

Jeśli krwawienie nie pojawi się 2 razy z rzędu, należy skonsultować się z lekarzem.

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