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Pyska (Anonymous, 93.129.203.) Warszawa 7 months ago

Could it be a pregnancy if after a few to several hours you can see a pale second line on the test?

Hello, I have been taking birth control pills for 6 months, I have two children, the last birth 8 months ago .
This month, my withdrawal bleeding was a little less heavy than my husband and I usually use: double protection, a tanletta plus a condom. I made 6 negative tests, but on two tests, after a few to several hours, you could see a pale second line, could it be pregnancy? Despite withdrawal bleeding?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

If you use the contraceptive pill as prescribed and there are no delays in taking the pill, then there is a small risk of pregnancy. However, no contraceptive method is 100% effective, which means that there is very little risk of pregnancy even with regular use.

Keep in mind that some pregnancy tests can detect very low levels of pregnancy hormone (hCG), which can be the cause of a visible pale second line. Nor can the possibility that it is a false positive result be ruled out. In this situation, it is recommended that you consult your doctor, who may order a more thorough blood test to confirm your pregnancy.

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