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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Aga  (Anonymous, 164.127.203.) Warszawa 15 months ago

Can bleeding on tablets 14 and 15 be normal for me to bleed with Qlaira?

Good morning, I wanted to ask if I get bleeding after starting a new one after 14, 15 tablets and it is already so and I normalized then I have to be afraid and whether the effectiveness of Qlaira tablets is maintained. Thank you and best regards

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Aga  (Anonymous, 164.127.237.) 15 months ago

Bleeding occurs when taking 14.15 tablets, then disappears and no longer appears during placebo tablets, only on 14, 15 tablets of a new blister

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

15 months ago

If you use the tablets regularly and correctly, yes, the effectiveness is preserved. What I don't understand is what bleeding looks like - it appears on the 14th and 15th day, then disappears, but comes back during the placebo? Or maybe you don't use a placebo? Does bleeding started on day 14 last until the end of the placebo period? Unplanned spotting or bleeding (outside the placebo period) can sometimes take place, but if you have not consulted a doctor, it is a symptom that worries you or is accompanied by other ailments - it is worth consulting it at the doctor's appointment. I leave a link to a video that may interest you:

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