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Zosia  (Anonymous, 109.196.114.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is brown spotting on day 4 of placebo pills a harbinger of a period, or can it stay that way?

Hello. I started my first pack of birth control pills to reduce the abundance of my period. Today is day 4 tablets of placebo (24+4), in the morning I got brown spotting, is it a harbinger of the period, or can it just stay that way? Can I use a chela fer iron supplement while using naraya plus?

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

The length of brown spotting is an individual matter - no time frame is determined in this case. It can last as long as withdrawal bleeding. I'm afraid no one knows the answer to whether the next bleeding will be in the form of spotting - there is no way to predict how your body will function in a month. Just wait - it's nothing worrying to worry about.

Zosia  (Anonymous, 109.196.114.) 2 years ago

And how long can this brown spotting last??, as long as withdrawal bleeding would normally last? Will the next withdrawal bleeding be normal or still "brown".

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Brown spotting can be both a "harbinger" of withdrawal bleeding and can remain so. Yes, when using Naraya Plus, you can use the Chela-Ferr dietary supplement. I am attaching a study that may be helpful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jakie-leki-oslabiaja-skutecznosc-antykoncepcji

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