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Warszawa 2 years ago

If I stop taking Flucofast, which will equal a drop in hormone levels, is it possible to impair the effectiveness of contraception?

Will Flucofast 200mg taken for 7 days due to recurrent intimate infections reduce the effectiveness of Atywia contraceptive pills? I came across information that this drug in a dose of 200mg increases the concentration of hormones by 40%, so after discontinuation of the drug, which will equal a decrease in the concentration of hormones, is it possible to disturb the effectiveness of contraception? Thank you in advance for your reply.

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2 years ago

I understand. Thank you very much for the explanation:) Best regards

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

The mechanisms of influence of drugs on the level of sex hormones are different - they should not be identified with each other, so please do not compare the effects of vitamin C and fluconazole on hormonal contraception, even if at first glance they seem to be similar. As for vitamin C - it is not entirely established one specific version of its effect on hormonal contraception, although there are sources and even leaflets of contraceptive drugs that clearly say that ascorbic acid can affect the action of drugs that protect against pregnancy. Research on this subject is still ongoing and as the author of the article on the impact of drugs on the effectiveness of contraception, I decided that such information should be taken into account in order to maintain safety by our patients. If you are afraid, do not trust medical sources or specialists, please remember that you can ALWAYS protect yourself additionally for peace of mind - then you will certainly eliminate the possible risk.


2 years ago

How is it with vitamin C in a dose of at least 1000mg? Just like this drug, it increases the concentration of hormones, so it is warned against abrupt discontinuation of such a dose, since a decrease in the concentration of hormones can reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive pills. Is this a myth then?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Fluconazole, the active substance in Flucofast, at a minimum dose of 200 mg per day increases the concentration of ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel in the blood - substances that are components of both one- and two-component hormonal contraceptives. Increasing their concentration may increase the likelihood of side effects (e.g. vomiting or diarrhea), which may reduce its effectiveness - but if this does not happen, the effectiveness of contraception is preserved. Therefore, please observe your body and if such effects appear - just protect yourself additionally.

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