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Wiola (Anonymous, 31.1.200.) Łęczyca 2 years ago

What is the difference between Viregyt-K refunded?

What is the difference between Refunded Viregyt K and Refunded Viregyt?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

I suppose it is about the difference between reimbursed and non-refunded. Viregyt-K reimbursed from non-refundable differs in price, availability for the patient and the appearance of the packaging due to the source of delivery. Reimbursed Viregyt-K has a fixed price, which for a discount, with a payment of 30%, is PLN 6.08: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/82635/viregyt-k-kapsulki/refundacja/19724 From December 10, 2021, the amount of Viregyt-K spent per patient in a pharmacy or pharmacy point has been limited to a maximum of 3 packs of 50 capsules per 30 days. The regulation applies only to the refunded packaging of this product. The doctor will be able to issue a prescription for this drug only if the patient has the indications covered by the refund, i.e. Parkinson's disease and syndrome and treatment of tardive dyskinesia in adults (these are neurological disorders consisting in the appearance of involuntary movements). The above restrictions, as well as the fixed price, do not apply to Viregyt-K not refunded for 30 or 50 capsules, which can be purchased from about 50 zlotys to even 129 zlotys. The packaging of a non-reimbursed medicine may differ from the reimbursed one because it comes from a pool intended for the market of another country, from which a certain resource was imported as part of the import. More on this topic: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/import-interwencyjny-jakie-leki-sprowadzane-sa-z-zagranicy

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