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Koli (Anonymous, 91.227.219.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How to calculate fertile days if the period disappears with the Kyleen insole?

Hi I have a kyleena insert from 4 weeks. During this time I had still weaker spotting, during menstruation I had stronger spotting for several hours and then it disappeared. Until now, there is peace. I wonder if this one strong spotting was a period or the average ones lasting 3 days a few days earlier (and much earlier than the date of menstruation)?how to calculate fertile days if the period disappears (additional protection against pregnancy)

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The contraceptive effect of Kyleena is mainly due to its local effect in the womb, so ovulation (the release of an egg) usually still takes place. However, some women may not have a period while using Kyleena.

According to the Kyleena IUD, it can have an effect on the menstrual cycle: "It can alter periods in such a way that there will be spotting (sparse bleeding), irregular, shorter or longer periods, more or less
heavy bleeding or no bleeding at all. You may experience bleeding or spotting in the middle of your cycle, especially during the first 3 to 6 months of using the system. Sometimes the bleeding is heavier than usual at first. In general, it is likely that with each month of use of the system, you will see a gradual reduction in the number and duration of bleeding. In some women, menstrual bleeding disappears completely. The monthly thickening of the endometrium may not occur due to the action of the hormone and therefore does not form the mucosa that is normally removed with menstrual blood. This does not necessarily mean menopause or pregnancy. Hormone levels usually remain normal. When the system is removed, menstruation returns to the state it was in before the system was installed."

Weaker spotting was most likely the type of side effect described above, and heavier bleeding - if it occurred during menstruation - could have been either a period or another mid-cycle spotting, but of greater severity.

The hormonal IUD is a very effective method of preventing pregnancy, and the risk of pregnancy is negligible. Contraception ensures continuity throughout use, so it is difficult to say that "fertile days are occurring". Under the influence of the IUD, the endometrium (lining of the uterus) changes, there is a thickening of the cervical mucus, which prevents the entry of sperm, in addition, it inhibits sperm motility and function, preventing fertilization. Therefore, the manufacturer does not indicate the need to use an additional method of contraception during ovulation and does not instruct the patient how to observe the occurrence of ovulation. Of course, the possibility of using a condom is not excluded - it is the decision of the partners, moreover, the condom prevents sexually transmitted diseases.

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