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Nata (Anonymous, 95.160.159.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can I combine Cirrus, Nasometin and Narivent and can I replace Nasivin with Narivent?

Is it possible to use such a set of cirrus, narivent and nasometin? I am after 3 antibiotics on the sinuses and a large amount of drugs, discharge either lingers or after drugs for thinment and pseudoephedrine unlocks and drains, but only the throat. According to the recommendation of the ENT, I used nasivin, for 10 days, for this nasometin 2x1 and naproxen 2x1, flavamed 2x1. Can I try to replace nasivin with narivent? The discharge continues to thickens and lingers as soon as the drugs stop working. It's been a month. 2 months earlier I probably had covid, flu and later loss of sense of sense of mouth, no secretions, even a feeling of cleanliness in my nose. I think there are complications in connection with a cold, that's how ENT people see it. In conclusion, whether narivent can safely be combined with other drugs, replaced with nasivin.

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Tak, Cirrus, Narivent i Nasometin można łączyć ze sobą. Ponieważ Nasivin powinien być stosowany jak najkrócej (5-7 dni), może Pani spróbować zamienić Nasivin na Narivent (jest to nawet wskazane).

Zachęcam również do zapoznania się z treścią naszych artykułów:
https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/skuteczne-sposoby-na-zapalenie-zatok https://www.gdziepolek.pl/blog/co-po-covid-19-powiklania

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