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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Figa (Anonymous, 31.0.88.) Warszawa 3 years ago

What could have caused seaming pain in the ovaries and breasts while taking the contraceptive disc and taking Vixpo?

Hello. I use adaring for 1.5 years. After a seven-day break, I put on another puck on 27.03. I loved myself unseeded on 29.03. The day before, I was bathing in potassium overmangance, thinking that it somehow damaged the puck after sex without taking out this puck, and I took a vixpo tablet. The other day I bought and put on a new A-daring album. From Friday to Sunday I had seaming pain in my ovaries and breasts, what could that mean? I didn't see it. Please reply

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Figa (Anonymous, 83.28.47.) 3 years ago

Dziękuję za odpowiedź

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

Kąpiel w nadmanganianie potasu nie uszkadza krążka. Piekący ból jajników i piersi jest zapewne spowodowany przyjęciem tabletki Vixpo. Jeśli dolegliwości będą się utrzymywały, należy skonsultować się z ginekologiem.

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