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pytanie (Anonymous, 85.221.145.) Warszawa 3 years ago

What is the chance of a blood clot occurring when using a Ginoring disc?

What is the chance of a blood clot occurring? I wanted to use this therapeutic system, but I'm terribly afraid that I'll get a blood clot and I just can't stand it from stress. Can you somehow prevent it, or do some research? There was never a blood clot in my family, but my father had varicose veins. And how is he so nervous is it makes sense to use this disc?

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

First of all, contraindications to the use of Ginoring are situations that drastically increase the risk of a blood clot, such as: a previous blood clot in the venous vessels of the legs (deep vein thrombosis), in the lungs (pulmonary embolism) or in other organs, disorders affecting blood clotting – for example, protein C deficiency, protein S deficiency, antithrombin III deficiency, the presence of factor V Leiden or antiphospholipid antibodies; heart attack or stroke, angina (a disease that causes severe chest pain and may be the first sign of a heart attack) or a transient ischemic attack (transient symptoms of a stroke), severe diabetes with damage to blood vessels, very high blood pressure, very high levels of fats in the blood (cholesterol or triglycerides) or hyperhomocysteinemia. The risk of a blood clot increases if: - the patient is very overweight (body mass index BMI above 30 kg / m2, - someone from the patient's immediate family has been found to have blood clots in the legs, lungs or other organs at a younger age (e.g. under 50 years of age), - the patient must undergo surgery if she is immobilized for a long time due to injury or illness or has a leg in a cast, - with age (especially over 35 years), - the patient gave birth to a child in the last few weeks. The risk of blood clots increases with the number of risk factors present in the patient. Traveling by plane (>4 hours) may temporarily increase the risk of blood clots. It is important to tell your doctor if you have any of these factors, even if you are not sure. The risk of blood clots forming in the vein is greatest during the first year of using combined hormonal contraceptives for the first time. The risk may also be greater if their use is resumed after a break of 4 weeks or more. After the first year, the risk decreases, although it is always greater compared to the situation when combined hormonal contraceptives are not used. The risk also depends on your natural risk of developing venous thromboembolism, but the overall likelihood of blood clots in your legs or lungs with Ginoring is low. Based on a thorough interview, the gynecologist should be able to assess whether the use of the drug is justified in your health case. Of course, when using contraception, you can regularly (every 3-6 months) perform tests that will assess whether this method carries a risk of a blood clot in your case. Such tests include blood clotting factors or D-dimers. If their level is elevated (above 500), this may be an indication to discontinue hormonal contraceptives. However, any such decision should be made in consultation with the doctor. If these or other control methods proposed by your doctor are not enough for you, you should seriously consider the use of hormonal contraception. You have to judge for yourself whether the stress associated with the risk of a blood clot is so great that you are unable to try to use any form of hormonal contraception. If you decide to use contraception, you should carefully observe your body and go to the doctor if something bothers you. All signals that may indicate the occurrence of a blood clot are described from page 5 of the leaflet of the ginoring drug: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/96195/ginoring-przyrzad/ulotka I am sending materials that may be of interest to you: - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-bac-sie-dzialan-niepozadanych-lekow - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/antykoncepcja-hormonalna - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-prawidlowo-stosowac-antykoncepcje

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