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Ewa  (Anonymous, 139.28.41.) Warszawa 11 months ago

Can Inofem be used in postmenopausal women?

Hello, can I take Inofen in menopause? He hasn't been menstruating for over a year now. Will it not cause a recurrence of menstruation? I would like to take it for insulin resistance.

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

11 months ago

The use of Inofem in postmenopausal women should result from the doctor's recommendation. Inofem is a dietary supplement used as an adjunct, m.in. in menstrual disorders, ovulation disorders, metabolic disorders (e.g. insular resistance). The myo-inositol contained in the supplement has a positive effect on the hormonal balance of a woman, restoring ovulation and menstruation. In addition, it supports the normalization of weight, reduces insulin resistance and lowers the level of insulin in the blood. I enclose a link to purchase the Inofem supplement. The preparation is available in online and stationary pharmacies. Choosing the offer of an online pharmacy allows you to compare prices and order the preparation with home delivery or personal collection at the pharmacy: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/37791/inofem-proszek-do-wytworzenia-plynu/apteki Due to the effect of the supplement on the hormonal balance, I encourage you to take advantage of medical advice before including the preparation in your daily diet. If you are not able to visit a stationary visit, I encourage you to use the teleadvice offered, m.in. by the Gdziepolek.pl portal: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja/z-ginekologiem I encourage you to read our study on insulin resistance: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/insulinoopornosc-i-stan-przedcukrzycowy-o-krok-od-cukrzycy

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