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Agnes (Anonymous, 178.36.108.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can I use 2 Ovulan birth control pills to reduce bleeding?

I have been taking Ovulan since May. Every 10 days I have bleeding that lasts 5 days. The doctor told me to start taking 2 times for 1 tablet so that the body got used to the drug. My question is, is it possible to use 2 contraceptive pills? And whether the body will get used to the drug, so that menstruation is once and not 2 times a month.

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

The greatest inconvenience when using Ovulan may be irregular bleeding. Bleeding may also not occur at all. The proportion of women using Ovulan who had irregular bleeding was 50%. In general, with single-component tablets, the bleeding profile may be unexpected and not always convenient for the patient. With single-component contraceptive pills, physiological menstruation will also no longer occur according to the terms "from the calendar". A higher dose of progestogen can potentially limit endometrial growth (endometrial mucosa) and bleeding. However, it is difficult for me to clearly determine whether it will improve the tolerance of the drug. The procedure recommended by the gynecologist is not standard, but perhaps it results from the experience and observation of the gynecologist and apparently he decided that it is safe for you. From a pharmaceutical point of view, I can provide information that the recommended dosage of Ovulan is one per day until the contents of the package are exhausted. The manufacturer does not provide for the use of more tablets in case of frequent bleeding. However, the documentation contains the following information: - "If bleeding occurs very often or irregularly, other methods of contraception should be considered" and - "No serious harmful effects were observed after taking more than one tablet of Ovulan at the same time. Nausea, vomiting and slight vaginal bleeding may occur in both women and young girls. Medical advice should be sought" and - "After a few months of using Ovulan, bleeding usually decreases in frequency". I am attaching additional information about Ovulan: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/58331/ovulan-tabletki-powlekane/apteki

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