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Anitka (Anonymous, 188.147.4.) Warszawa 1 year ago

After what time will sleepless nights, headaches and a decrease in libido pass when using Setaloft?

Good morning. I started taking Setaloft 50 mg at a dose of 0.5-0-0.5 tabl about 3.5 weeks ago. My libido dropped to zero from the very beginning and now there are sleepless nights, headaches. How long will it take?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

The side effects of Setaloft mentioned in the question are dose-dependent and often transient with further treatment. However, it is difficult to predict at what time this will happen. It should be emphasized that the body's reaction to certain drugs is an individual feature. According to the Summary of Product Characteristics, the onset of the therapeutic effect of Setaloft can occur within 7 days. However, maximum effect is usually achieved after a longer period of treatment. Patients with depression should be treated long enough, at least 6 months, to be sure that they are free of the symptoms of the disease. A friend also answered a similar question about libido in the thread: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/73495/setaloft-czy-po-odstawieniu-leku-libido-wroci

Kaliazka (Anonymous, 178.37.66.) 1 year ago

The same thing happened to me if I could find out how to deal with such a situation

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