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Ola  (Anonymous, 83.4.47.) Warszawa 2 years ago

If I've been using Gyno-Pevaryl 50 for a week, can I have sex with my partner with a non-latex condom?

Hello, if I have been using Gyno Pevaryl 50 for a week, can I have sex with a partner using a non-latex condom? My 2nd question is whether I can skip the withdrawal break once?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The documentation for Gyno-Pevarylnic does not mention a non-latex condom and does not give guidance on whether it is safe to use. In general, however, it is believed that non-latex condoms made of polyisoprene or now less often polyurethane are more resistant to possible interactions with the components of vaginal products, because they are not destroyed in contact with oil components. However, it is known that when Gyno-Pevaryl 150 is used concomitantly with contraceptives made of rubber, such as latex condoms, the effectiveness of these agents may decrease. At the same time, if you suffer from a fungal disease of the vagina, I suggest you refrain from intercourse until full recovery. This is mainly due to the fact that the partner is protected from infection, but such a recommendation is also given because the vaginal tissues need time to regenerate and rebuild the microflora, which the relations - which are a kind of mechanical stimulus - may not be conducive to. The general rule is to refrain from intercourse at least until the infection is cured, and preferably also for a few days after the end of anti-infective therapy. I do not know what contraceptive you are using. Most products contain in the leaflet detailed guidelines for changing the bleeding day or avoiding bleeding. In general, there is also a note that "you can ask your doctor for advice before deciding to delay the onset of withdrawal bleeding." I enclose additional information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-stosowac-preparaty-ginekologiczne https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/infekcje-intymne-jak-sobie-poradzic

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