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pacjentka (Anonymous, 5.173.29.) Warszawa 2 years ago

If I divide Bisocard 2.5mg into two doses of 1.25 mg in the morning and evening, can there be any side effects?

I take Bisocard exclusively for heart rate. If I divide Bisocard 2.5mg into two doses of 1.25mg in the morning and evening, can there be any side effects. 2.5mg taken in the morning is too strong for me (I feel weak - dizziness and nausea because I am a low-pressure with gusts to normal pressure) and in the evening the heart rate increases and taking the next dose turns out to be useful. In the leaflet it is written that Bisocard is taken only once a day.

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Ewelina (Anonymous, 31.17.255.) 10 months ago

Yes you can, I also take so and no problem. The doctor, of course, confirmed Ewelina

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

The rebound effect means that first the patient has a high pulse / high pressure, then takes the drug - there is an improvement and abrupt withdrawal of the drug, which causes a sudden increase in plus / pressure, which can be dangerous to health. Examples of prolonged-release drugs include drugs with metoprolol, which can be found here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/substancje/metoprolol As I have already mentioned, they must be in the form of prolonged/modified release tablets or annotations, e.g. "ZK", "ZOK", "SC", "SR".

pacjentka (Anonymous, 5.173.144.) 2 years ago

What does the "rebound effect" mean in the case of Bisocard and what examples of long-release drugs can be used in case of fluctuating heart rate (at normal or usually low pressure)? I would like to discuss the possibility of their use with me with a doctor at the next visit.

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

As you rightly pointed out, Bisocard should be taken once a day. Do not make modifications to the therapy on your own initiative, e.g. divide the tablets in half and take it 2 times a day. Such a practice can actually increase the risk of certain side effects - there may be a sudden increase in pressure or pulse as a rebound effect, which can be dangerous due to the risk of occurrence, e.g. stroke. If current therapy is a failure and does not sufficiently control the symptoms of the disease, you should talk about it with your doctor. A specialist can change the drug to one that has a prolonged release - that is, it releases the active substance that controls plus and pressure at specified intervals for 24 hours (these drugs usually have the note "ZK", "ZOK", "SR" or simply "prolonged-release tablets" in the name). This solution works well in patients who experience fluctuations in these parameters during the day, despite taking medication in the morning. I am attaching a study that may be helpful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/problemy-z-sercem

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