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Ilona (Anonymous, 37.248.217.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is it possible to combine drugs: Zomiren SR, Escipram and Concor?

Can the drug Zomiren SR 0.5 be taken with the drug Escipram I will add that in the morning and evening I also take concor 1.25 on the pulse or rather, em these drugs will not cause drowsiness during the day maybe better Zomiren SR take at night or only in states of panic and medication

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

The simultaneous use of alprazolam (Zomiren), escitalopram (Escipram) and bisoprolol (Concor) is not contraindicated, however, the listed drugs can be taken together only if they have been prescribed by one doctor, or if the doctors prescribing these preparations have been informed about what other drugs the patient is already taking, what additional diseases he suffers from and only in such a combination (order), as follows from these recommendations. You should be aware that combining these medicines may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion and difficulty concentrating. Some people, especially the elderly, may also experience impaired thinking, evaluation and motor coordination. In addition, when taking drugs at the same time, an increased hypotensive effect may occur. Zomiren SR is a long-acting drug, which means that its effect lasts for 24 hours, regardless of what time of day you take it. Possible modification in dosage can be made after consultation with a doctor. I am attaching a study that may be helpful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-przyjmowanie-kilku-lekow-jednoczesnie-jest-bezpieczne

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