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Syla (Anonymous, 188.147.38.) Warszawa 2 years ago

If I have a Kyleen insert on, can there be hot flashes?

Welcome. Can I have a kyleena insert on can there be hot flashes I will add that since October last year I do not have menstruation earlier there were two days of spotting (scanty) A month ago I was at my gynecologist for examinations and it was all ok cytology A1B2 I am 48 years old please answer

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Among the known and recognized side effects of the Kyleen system are not listed "hot flashes". The IUD, on the other hand, can affect the menstrual cycle: "It can change menstruation in such a way that there will be spotting (scanty bleeding), irregular, shorter or longer menstruation, more or less intense bleeding or no bleeding at all. Bleeding or spotting may occur in the middle of the cycle, especially during the first 3 to 6 months of using the system. Sometimes bleeding is at first more abundant than usual. In general, it is likely that with each month of using the system, it will be possible to find a gradual reduction in the number and number of days of bleeding. Some women have a complete disappearance of menstrual bleeding." If your question is about hot flashes in the context of menopause, then because Kyleena does not contain estrogen, it does not affect the symptoms that may appear with a decrease in the level of this hormone with age (hot flashes, sleep problems and mood changes). Some may mask, imitate, and others may be even more severe, others will be more gently felt by the patient, while the system does not prevent their appearance. You could explain more about this to a doctor familiar with your health situation (as I understand it, tests have been done). If hot flashes are frequent, intense and bothersome, then you should talk to her about it. I enclose additional information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/wkladki-domaciczne

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