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Paweł (Anonymous, 31.2.63.) Warszawa 5 years ago

What does a lump sum mean when buying medicines?

What is a lump sum when buying medicines

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Daniela: Unfortunately, I am not able to answer for the doctor, but the ophthalmologist has the formal opportunity to issue a prescription with the "S" license. Perhaps it is worth asking directly whether there was simply a mistake? Both of these drugs are on the list of free preparations for seniors. Azopt is a reimbursed drug, its price of 100% is PLN 32.29. If you have a prescription with a discount, the fee is PLN 10.09 for a lump sum and PLN 0.00 for a senior: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/8447/azopt-zawiesina-do-oczu/apteki/w-warszawie Similarly Cosopt - is a reimbursed drug, its price 100% is PLN 31.23. For a prescription with a discount, you will pay PLN 9.03 for a lump sum and PLN 0.00 for a senior https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/20017/cosopt-krople-do-oczu/apteki/w-warszawie

Daniela (Anonymous, 95.160.198.) 2 years ago

Until February 2022, I received Cospit 20mg+5 mg and Azopt 10mng eye drops for free now for a fee: a lump sum, I am 87 years old and glaucoma with nerve damage. Please answer why the ophthalmologist wrote a lump sum R and not S.

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Andrzej: PLN 9.60 for 3 packages.

Andrzej (Anonymous, 46.134.39.) 2 years ago

I have prescribed the drug neoparin 006 ml 3 packs of 10 pcs and writes a fee R how much it will be for me

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

5 years ago

"Ryczałt" jest rodzajem poziomu odpłatności za lek zniżkowy. Informuje, jaką dopłatę do leku ma wnieść pacjent w aptece, wykupując z recepty preparat refundowany. Ryczałt wynosi obecnie minimum 3,20 PLN, w niektórych jednak przypadkach pacjent musi zapłacić nieco więcej (jest to tak zwana dopłata za lek powyżej limitu finansowania). Więcej na ten temat można przeczytać w artykule:

Jeśli zechce Pan podać, o jaki lek chodzi, będzie możliwe udzielenie dodatkowych wyjaśnień na temat tego, z czego wynika cena interesującego Pana preparatu.

Może Pana zainteresować także poniższy artykuł: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/tematy/kiedy-lek-nalezy-sie-na-znizke

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
