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Ala (Anonymous, 77.253.200.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Does the headache and eye after the COVID-19 sling indicate that my doctor has damaged me?

After the covit test, half the headache and eye pain persists for the third day. Could the doctor have damaged something, or is it normal?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Looking for a COVID-19 antigen test? Check out our analysis of coronavirus tests: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jaki-test-antygenowy-na-koronawirusa-wybrac You can buy antigen tests in stationary pharmacies and online.

mamuś (Anonymous, 159.205.213.) 17 months ago

At the end of September 2021, I was forced to take a test to be able to go to a sanatorium. A year has passed. Since the test, my eye hurts on the side from which I was quite sadistically (despite requests to do it gently or just because.....) I was taken material. I am convinced that this is from the test, because during the performance everything hurt me a lot, I was shed with tears from my eyes and I was shaking a lot, because it hurt exceptionally and penetratingly. I have to go to the clinic for a referral to an ophthalmologist, because the eye hurts all the time and I feel pain in this nostril all the time. I am an extremely healthy person and have not taken antibiotics for 31 years. I'm not making things up, I'm not coloring. It's a nightmare. And I'm afraid to go to the clinic. I have a medical education myself............... and I'm afraid of health care. How do I know which doctor is honest........ A "swab" lady should never work in health care. Nightmare.

MART (Anonymous, 109.89.20.) 2 years ago

Ja miałam ten test dziś i po około 20 min zaczęła mnie boleć głową (nad oczami ) pobolewało gardło górna część... test był nieprzyjemny... szybkie 3 drapniecia x2

Response removed because: contains personal attacks.

Woj (Anonymous, 188.114.75.) 3 years ago

Mam to samo po 3 dniach mam ból głowy

Response removed because: constitutes spam.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

Tego typu objawy mogą się utrzymywać i nie oznaczają, iż lekarz coś uszkodził.
Zachęcam do zapoznania się z opiniami innych pacjentów: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/34950/test-covid-19-czy-test-na-koronawirusa-boli

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