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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Aga (Anonymous, 79.124.107.) Warszawa 3 years ago

How much should be the gap between packs of birth control pills?

Apply dionelle tablets 21 days 7days break. If I took the last tablet from the first pack on Wednesday, then the next one from the new packaging when I take it? For the full 7days I have to have a break, that is, for me it follows that I start a new pack on Thursday. I understand correctly?

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Iwona Napierała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Tak, zgodnie z tym co Pani pisze, pierwsza tabletka z drugiego opakowania (jeśli ostatnia z pierwszego była w środę) powinna wypaść w czwartek w kolejnym tygodniu. To będzie ten sam dzień tygodnia, w którym rozpoczęła Pani pierwsze opakowanie.

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