Thermometers, traditional liquid

Are you looking for a traditional thermometer to measure your body temperature? The production of mercury thermometers was discontinued in 2009 due to the harmful effects of mercury on the environment and the health of users, but liquid thermometers with another harmless metal alloy - gallium, indium and tin, called galinstan thermometers, are perfect as their replacement.

Termometr klasyczny Controly

thermometer, 1 unit

in 28% pharmacies

from 9.82 zł

Silver termometr szklany bezrtęciowy

thermometer, 1 unit

in 24% pharmacies

from 9.90 zł

Termometr bezrtęciowy Novama White Sigma

thermometer, 1 unit

in 22% pharmacies

from 9.99 zł

Apteo Care Termometr bezrtęciowy TA-002

thermometer, 1 unit

in 15% pharmacies

from 13.99 zł

Termometr szklany bezrtęciowy Geratherm Classic

thermometer, 1 unit

in 5% pharmacies

from 15.00 zł

Vitammy Scala termometr tradycyjny

thermometer, 1 unit

in 1% pharmacies

Termometr analogowy Geratherm Classic XL

thermometer, 1 unit

in 1% pharmacies

from 18.99 zł

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