Vaccines for Haemophilus influenzae type b

Haemophilus influenzae type b (HiB, haemophilic stick) is a bacterium that causes severe diseases, mainly respiratory tract and meningitis in children up to 5 years of age. The most effective way to protect against getting sick is vaccination, which further reduces the risk of dangerous complications.


injection, 1 vial + pre-filled syringe 0,5 milliliters +2 needles

prescription product

in 0% pharmacies


injection, 1 vial + pre-filled syringe 0,5 milliliters

prescription product

in 0% pharmacies


injection, 1 vial + vial + rozpuszczalnik 0,5 milliliters

prescription product

in 0% pharmacies


injection, 1 vial + pre-filled syringe + rozpuszczalnik 0,5 milliliters + 2 needles

prescription product

in 0% pharmacies


injection, 1 vial + pre-filled syringe + rozpuszczalnik 0,5 milliliters

prescription product

in 0% pharmacies


injection, 1 vial + ampoule + rozpuszczalnik 0,5 milliliters

prescription product

in 0% pharmacies


injection, 1 vial + pre-filled syringe 0,5 milliliters z needlełą

prescription product

in 0% pharmacies

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