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Bajka (Anonymous, 31.0.53.) Warszawa 15 months ago

What to do if Estazolam does not work for insomnia?

I have a huge problem I take 4tabl.po 2mg estazolam and fall asleep after more than an hour.night turns me into a day and fall asleep in the morning sleeps not peacefully wake up often and I'm very tired I do not want anything, it's for me a breakdown of life I start around 13 then I work late and so on and on. Please advise what to do even when before 24 to lie down to 4-5 I can not fall asleep despite the estazolam.

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Aleksandra Berdys Pharmacist

15 months ago

Estazolam should start working about 30 minutes - 1 hour after application. In your case, the drug does not work properly, so you will need a doctor's consultation. You may need to use a different medicine, change your treatment or modify it. Stronger hypnotics are only available with a prescription. We use estazolam in short-term treatment, unfortunately I do not know how long you have been using the drug and whether you have ever been satisfied with the effects of treatment. If insomnia problems do not improve or even worsen, please inform your doctor. I encourage you to read the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/bezsennosc

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