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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Fjkl (Anonymous, 83.26.220.) Warszawa 15 months ago

Do I have to go to a point to get tested anonymously for HIV?

Good morning. Am I anonymous when I apply for HIV testing in my town or do I have to go to a point to become anonymous?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

To @Fjkl: The regulations provide that in the event of a positive test result for a biological pathogen (e.g. HIV, but also syphilis or gonorrhea), the laboratory diagnostician is obliged to report this fact to the locally competent district sanitary inspector within 24 hours of finding this fact. The person who underwent the examination may reserve their personal data. In such a situation, the diagnostician will also forward the notification to the sanitary inspection, but only the initials of the patient's name and surname, his age, sex and the name of the district competent for the place of residence will be given in the form. The reservation is made by submitting an appropriate declaration of will by the interested party in the institution where the examination was performed

Fjkl (Anonymous, 91.231.122.) 15 months ago

So when I do a test in a lab, I'm not anonymous? Is this reportable?

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

At consultation and diagnostic points you can take an HIV test free of charge, anonymously and without a referral: https://aids.gov.pl/pkd You can also perform self-testing tests anonymously, available in pharmacies - you should carefully read the instructions to perform the test at the right time: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/93905/witam-chcialabym-zapytac-o-domowy-test-na-hiv-firmy-insti-na-st https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/94673/dzien-dobry-chcialabym-zapytac-o-domowy-test-na-hiv-z-apteki-np Self-testing tests are available over-the-counter, on-line with home delivery: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/110482/test-na-hiv-do-samokontroli-insti-domowy-test/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/114944/test-na-hiv-do-samokontroli-simplitude-byme-domowy-test/apteki

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
