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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Olga (Anonymous, 31.0.180.) Warszawa 17 months ago

What can replace Apidra Solostar insulin?

Good morning, apidra solostar is not available. What can replace it?

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

17 months ago

We received information from the manufacturer that the planned delivery date of the new batch of Apidra Solostar is the end of November / beginning of December this year. A slightly better availability is the form of Apidra in the form of cartridges, but you need a pen (pen) for this form, which is supplemented with a cartridge. If you have a pen for this insulin (Sanofi company), this is the best way out in such a situation, because you do not have to change the preparation. You can ask about the pen at your diabetes clinic, the attending physician, at a nearby pharmacy or at the manufacturer by calling the patient hotline. If it is not possible to solve the problem in this way, it remains to change the preparation to a better available one, because to the best of my knowledge there are no other products containing insulin glulisine. Other insulins will have a slightly different profile of action and are not substitutes. A new prescription is also necessary. I leave a link to the video in which we show how to properly administer insulin with a pen and what such "reusable" pens look like:

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